A Change of Scenery

an eroded piling at Golden Gardens

At the end of last week I had a blank canvas experience. I’m starting the next set of Blades and ready to start choosing fabrics. But when I went through my fabrics for this series I realized that I didn’t have enough fabric to choose from. All of a sudden I felt like a deer in the headlights and I couldn’t think of what to do next. It didn’t help that I was getting over a cold. So what to do when the well runs dry?

Answer: Go outside! Saturday the sun came out, a rare occurrence in Seattle in January. I dragged my husband and oldest daughter along with me for a walk on the beach. Just getting out next to the Sound jogged some inspiration loose. Lines and patterns in nature, what I like best!


After the beach, I went to the studio and used flour paste to make patterns on the cloth. Next step, dye.
