Installation Day at Piper’s Orchard

I spent the longest day of the year in glorious sunshine at the historic Piper’s Orchard at Carkeek Park. I installed my outdoor sculpture piece, The Orchard Room, with the help of ten amazing volunteers. I am always gratified by the willingness and energy that people bring to help me out with these crazy projects.

Each person brought his or her own special skill set. Jill was amazing at moving the ribbons of silk under and over tree branches. Vida, my fearless, tree-climbing daughter, spent so much time at the top of a very high tree that we sent up water and snacks to her. Sky showed the tireless energy of the Iowa farm boy that he is. Leah, Ellen, Jerry, and Lance each provided both a critical eye and the willingness to do what I told them. Corey and Katie brought us dinner and reinforcements as we were fading at the end of the day. Lara, my collaborator and co-curator, brought her unique perspective to keep me on track. What a crew!

Here are photos of the installation.

We begin to weave our orange web

a view from the trees.

a little to the left

my little bird


a view of the sky

taking shape

a view of the Sky

a view into the finished installation through the "arch"

the walls

collaborator, curator, and coconspirator Lara McIntosh

Lara and I inside the room

the end of a long, long day