Dye Triads

132 little dye baths

132 little dye baths

My recent work has all been using earth tones and neutrals. I’ve been using premixed dyes from Dharma and Prochem but have been thinking about exploring how to create all those browns myself. This week I’ve been home with a sick kid and with left over dyes from a scarf dyeing class I taught last Friday. Voila! The perfect time to mix up 132 little dye baths.

dye baths in plastic cups

dye baths in plastic cups

I made two sets of triads, each using three primaries. One set used Sun Yellow, Mixing Red, and Mixing Blue. The other used Turquoise for the blue. The results were quite interesting and I found it a really valuable exercise. My husband says I’m a “dye nerd” and I think he may be right!

sun yellow, mixing red, and mixing blue

sun yellow, mixing red, and mixing blue

sun yellow, mixing red, and turquoise

sun yellow, mixing red, and turquoise