13 Blades


I’ve never worked on such a big series at one time before. I now have 13 of the blades worked out in paper. When I got to ten, I realized I needed to get a better sense of their sizes, especially because I don’t have a space in my studio I can put them all up together. I made a list of all the approximate dimensions, divided them into small, medium, and large sizes and decided to make one more of each. It feels like an odd way to make art, but right now I’m not really visualizing these completely as individual pieces but as part of an installation. I’m excited by these crazy shapes.

Pam, my studio-mate, is out of town this week and offered to let me use her studio which has a nice big wall. I put them all up on Tuesday and learned what I really already knew, that I needed to rework the first seven pieces. Also, this is a big body of work! I’ve been reworking the pieces with the goal of having them all worked out in paper by the end of this week. Luckily, it’s taking a lot less time to rework the pieces than to come up with them from scratch. I want to finish the last two today, then put them all up on the wall again. Hopefully, they won’t need anything beyond some fine tweaking.

Next week is Thanksgiving and my youngest daughter doesn’t have school all week. I’m planning to use that time to get started on to the next step: cutting out the patterns in peltex and hand-stitching them together to make sure they work before I move into fabric. I started thinking about that yesterday, just how am I going to sew these together? Ah, but that’s next week’s challenge. This week is paper!
