Tick, tick, tick


Cotyledon bases

I had a good day at the studio. It was Sunday, still is actually, and my family spent the day skiing. This gave me a weekend day to spend at the studio and not feel guilty. I’m working all the time now. The days until my show are dwindling and I’ve still got a lot I want to get finished. Really only 20 or so days until I should have all the art delivered. Okay, I’m going to go breathe into a paper bag now.

Phew. I’m back. Can I really finish eight pieces in 20 days? I guess we’ll find out. I’m making good progress. I’ve got all of the bases for the Cotyledons basted together and initial fabrics selected for half of them. I’m getting both more efficient and more confident and taking less time making decisions.

Then there are these other pesky demands on my time: mailing list, tweaking web site, Powerpoint presentation on Tuesday for Elder Hostel, a proposal to teach for next Spring’s SDA/SAQA conference . . . oh yeah, and my kids and husband. Good thing I love what I do.

initial fabric selections

initial fabric selections