Crisis of Faith



There is always a time in my work when I have a crisis of faith. I think everything is shit and wonder why I’m doing this. I’m going through that now.

These are uncertain times. My daughter still has headaches and hasn’t gone to school in almost two weeks. Is the radiation from Japan making its way toward us?

I put up some in process photos of my work on Facebook yesterday and a couple of people commented that the piece looks like bacon. Yes, I know it’s just insensitive people trying to be funny. But it made me cry because, of course, they’re right. Fuck! Can I ever think of this piece any other way? Should I even finish it? Is the whole body of work any good? I really don’t need this right now.

I know that the answer is just to keep working, that the decisions I make as I go along are good ones, and that my vision is true. It’s always worked out in the past, it will work out this time. The other work is coming along, it looks good. I just need to get out of my funk and get back to work. Enough of this pity party, right?

Cotyledon 8 in process

Cotyledon 8 in process

inside stitching on Cotyledon 8

inside stitching on Cotyledon 8

One thought on “Crisis of Faith

  1. Donna Kallner

    Actually, I’m excited to see where this piece goes. So many transformative moments happen during construction. Even someone who loves you and mostly understands your process can have trouble “seeing” through your eyes until a piece is finished.

    Which is why my husband and I celebrate that our marriage survived a few remodeling projects 🙂

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