

I’m in that place where the new ideas feel just out of reach and you can almost catch them out of the corner of your eye. It’s a time to let them be, let them simmer until they’re ready to come out to play. If you try to grab them before they’re formed they’ll just disappear.

I’ve had glimpses of a new format. I want to work with sheers, holes, and transparency. I’m thinking about the toner transfers that Larry showed during our class and working with imagery and scale. I keep thinking about ghosts.

So I’ve been thinking about transparency, and my daughter comes home from school with this skeleton of a jack o’ lantern flower she found on her walk home. The sun was shining brightly through the window (for a change!) and I took a series of photos. I love the interplay between the object and the shadow. The next day a skeletonized leaf was stuck in my car door. Thoughts are powerful. You have to be careful about what you manifest around here.