Foster/White January Preview Show

FW install

Last Thursday, January 5th, was the opening for the group show I’m in at Foster/White and the premiere of my new series, Stone. Uncharacteristically, I was working up to the last minute as you will know if you keep up here on my blog. I actually delivered the final piece on the morning of the opening after having spent 12 hours hand-stitching it the day before. But in the end, it was all worth the effort. The pieces look great together and the lighting makes them glow.

It’s a terrific show with large-scale installations by Evan Blackwell, George Rodriguez, and Eva Isakson. They are also featuring work by Rachel Denny, a Portland artist new to the gallery who works in fiber. There are also a number of new pieces by Guy Laramee, a sculptor who works with books, who’s work is fantastic. Other artists in the show include Stephanie Ashby, Merrilee Moore, Bratsa Bonifacho, Clare Belfrage, Kevin Piepel, and others. The show cohesive, with lots of sculpture and makes really good use of the space. My husband commented that it felt more like a contemporary art museum than a gallery.

See it if you’re in the Seattle area before January 28th.

Stone Mothers