Studio Visit with Alicia Tormey


Continuing my January of studio visits, I spent a lovely afternoon with Alicia Tormey last week. Alicia is an encaustic painter and has a studio at Inscape, the old INS building which has been turned into studios and now has 100 artists all working in the same building. Alicia showed me around her very tidy studio which was full to the brim with new art, materials, and inspiration. We also took a field trip around the building and visited a few other artist’s studios. Even though I love my cozy and convenient space, I sometimes get studio-envy of people who work in the big, old, buildings full of history and artist communities they house. I definitely am jealous lately of their high ceilings and vertical space, ie walls, something I don’t really have in my attic space.

Look for Alicia’s beautiful work at Grover/Thurston Gallery. She has just signed on with them after the sad closing of Pacini Lubel Gallery and will have new work in their January group show. I’m excited for her new adventures.

blocks of bees wax

blocks of bees wax

Alicia in her studio

Alicia in her studio