Getting Started

my palette for this dye session


My exciting news is that I’ve been asked to create a wall installation for the Bellevue Arts Museum. I was so disappointed about not getting into the Fiber Biennial (still sorta sensitive about that) but this is actually better. The piece will be on display for up to a year in the Forum, which is the large atrium at the entrance to the museum. Details are still being worked out regarding timing of install and which wall, but the project is a go! Although, I haven’t actually signed anything yet, come to think of it.

Stefano Catalani, the director and head curator of the museum, first called me about the project about 6 weeks ago. Once I submitted a proposal I waited month or so for confirmation. So now that it’s a go I’ve been having a little trouble getting started. Maybe because details about the final shape and installation are still up in the air, maybe because it’s a big, high profile project, or maybe it’s always like this and I have a selective memory.

In any case I finally started in by taking a deep breath and dyeing a bunch of fabric. I had to remind myself that it doesn’t have to be perfect but at least by starting I have something I can respond to. That’s much easier than the blank white canvas syndrome, or in my case, the blank white cotton, silk, and velvet syndrome.

dyed cottons, silks, and velvets, oh my!