How Did That Happen?

doorHow did a month go by since I last posted here? I know it had something to do with those proposals I wrote, that fabric sale I did, those two deinstalls, that article I edited, and that piece I made. Oh, and then there was the trip to Baja with my family.


We got back from our trip last Sunday and I’ve been running ever since. I deinstalled my Storefronts piece in Bellevue first thing Monday morning. That night, I heard from the editor at the SDA Journal that she’d need my edits for the article I wrote for the Spring issue by Thursday. Tuesday my intern, Arissa was in the studio to help me work on getting fabrics and packaging ready for my sale on Thursday. I worked on my entry for an exhibition of mini-textiles in Europe (deadline Friday) and the article. Wednesday I worked some more on the article and on the mini piece. Thursday I traveled up to Gold Bar where I was a vendor (a first for me!) at Lorraine Torrence’s Wearable Art Retreat (a very successful and enjoyable experience). I was very happy to read that one of the calls for entry I intended to enter extended their deadline to next week.

This morning I finished my mini-piece, photographed it, wrote an artist statement, updated my CV, found a picture of myself, sized all the photos, and got it all sent off in an email by noon, at least three hours before the deadline of midnight in Lake Como.

Now that I’ve had time to take a breath, I’m giving myself a pat on the back for being so productive. And you bet I’m taking the weekend off!