A Milestone

Today I put up the paper patterns for 18 new pieces for the Easelstan studio-mates to take a look at. Pam very kindly let me borrow the big wall in her studio so that we could look at them all together. Not all of the patterns are finalized, I have some minor work to do on five or so of them, but the bulk of the work at this stage is done.

Whew! It’s amazing what a sense of relief I feel.

I also feel a huge sense of accomplishment in getting this far. Even though all we were looking at was white paper, these are the underlying compositions and structures of the finished pieces. They are the bones, the skeleton, of the art that will be. And good bones determine everything.

I feel more confident in the scope of the show and in my process of creating now. I feel energized to move forward.

Now to finish up those last few patterns and on to the dyeing.

a triptych