
What an amazing city! I spent 8 days in Paris with my family over our Spring Break. I took over 800 photos so it’s taking me some time to edit them down. Here are just a few shots of the city, the museums, and the glorious food. Much more to come!

at the Louvre


door detail at the Louvre


in the Islamic Wing at the Louvre


door detail in the Islamic Wing at the Louvre


the back of the door


an installation being prepared at the Louvre--looks like fiber art to me!




at Pere La Chaise Cemetary


at Pere La Chaise Cemetary


Pere La Chaise


Pere La Chaise


detail of the steps at the Eiffel Tower



detail of the steps at the Eiffel Tower


detail of the steps at the Eiffel Tower


the Tour d'Eiffel!


the window at Deyrolle, a famous taxidermy shop


a well deserved break after all that walking


inside the D'Orsay Museum


the D'Orsay


Sacre Couer on the top of Montmart


street art


cassis and pistachio marshmallows at Pain du Sucre


a beautiful tart at Pain du Sucre


the Carnavelet Museum


the Carnavelet






a ribbon shop on the Place des Vosges


a ribbon shop on the Place des Vosges