Closer to Home

Several times while I was in Paris I had conversations with people about my home, Seattle. I was always a little surprised that they were so interested in visiting here. Why on earth would someone from Paris want to visit here?

One day during our trip I wandered into a beautiful little ribbon shop on the Place des Vosges. It was so precious and I was overwhelmed by the selection. I wanted to buy something, but what? Feathers? Sequins? Delicate white lace? My husband was waiting outside so I just took some pictures and let it go.

There’s nothing like travel to give you new perspective on your life. That ribbon shop in Paris helped me remember Nancy’s Sewing Basket here in Seattle. Nancy’s is a boutique fabric store with the finest fabrics in town. It’s where you go if you’re making your wedding dress, need some fine wool for a suit, a special button, or, yes, some lovely ribbon. My husband and I bought ribbon there almost 20 years ago to tie each of our wedding invitations. It’s that kind of place.

It was time for a visit. While I was there I tracked down some very fine and sharp hand sewing needles and bought some quarter yards of lace to use for breakdown printing screens.

I travel because it opens my mind to new experiences. It also reminds me of what’s special about coming home.

a selection of ribbons at Nancy's